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Be smart about your thermostat

Lower the setting on your thermostat to 68 or as low as is comfortable, and maintain that temperature setting during the winter. Your heater has to work harder when temperatures are frigid, so lower temperature settings can lead to savings. Stay warm by wearing layers and adding extra blankets to beds.

Seal air leaks

Use weather stripping or caulk to seal any cracks or gaps around windows, doors and thresholds. Also check your ceiling – make sure that fans and light fixtures are properly sealed to the ceiling to prevent the air in your home from escaping into the attic.

Insulate and save

Ensure you have adequate insulation in your attic. This helps keeps warm air in your house, rather than allowing it to escape into the attic. Contact us for more information about insulation and ways to save energy.

Knowledge is power

We’re here for you. Contact us to be connected with tools and resources that help you understand and manage your energy use and make more informed energy decisions.

Switch to LED lighting for year-round savings

LEDs are more efficient than incandescent bulbs and CFLs. Make the switch to LED bulbs in your home, and enjoy increased efficiency that will create savings now, and all year round!

Save hot water

It takes energy to heat water, and you can save by adjusting your water heater’s setting to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, installing high efficiency showerheads, limiting your shower time and washing clothes in cold water.